Please note that the class content may change due to substitutions, so please make sure to make a reservation through the reservation site when coming to a class.
- Monday
No class
Please contact us if you are interested in teaching yoga at our studio in Shibuya! - Tuesday
7:30am-8:30am Basic / Mika
7:30pm-8:30pm Ashtanga for beginners / Yuko - Wednesday
6:30am-9:30am Mysore / Tomohiko
7:30pm-8:30pm Vinyasa / Mika - Thrusday
6:30am-9:30am Mysore / Tomohiko
7:30pm-8:45pm Half Primary / Zenkou - Friday
6:30am-9:30am Mysore / Naho - Saturday
7:00am-9:45am Mysore / Naho
10:30am-11:40am Vinyasa / Mika
10:30am-11:40am Vinyasa / Mika - Sunday
10:30am-11:40am Vinyasa / Mika
※ English speaker:Mika, Naho
But other teachers are very skillful and well trained for adjustment, so I recommend you to visit their classes!
※ KPJAYI Authorized teacher:Yuko(Level.2), Naho(Level.2)
They are official Ashtanga yoga teachers certified by KPJAY (K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute), which means that they are very advanced Ashtanga yogis, but I recommend you not to choose the teacher you learn from because of what kind of licence they have, it’s more important what you actually can learn from them in the studio!
New York Style YOGA

New York Style Yoga is a yoga class started in 2013 by Mika, a studio owner who loves New York yoga. This class contains not only New York’s unique Vinyasa yoga, but also Hatha yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Kundalini yoga, and various other yoga elements learned from Indian and Western teachers. It is a difficult class, but people say that it gives them a sense of accomplishment!
ニューヨークスタイルヨガは、スタジオオーナーであるミカの『 ニューヨークヨガ好き 』が講じて2013年から始まったヨガです。ニューヨークのユニークなヴィンヤサヨガだけでなく、インド人や世界中の先生方から学んだハタヨガ、アシュタンガヨガ、クンダリーニヨガ、様々なヨガの要素が組み込まれているクラスです。大変ですが、達成感があると言っていただけるクラスです。

Vinyasa yoga is a type of yoga that uses the connection between movement and breath to deepen the state of the mind. Anyone can enjoy this class. If you’re used to one-star strength classes like BASIC or LUNCH YOGA, you’ll enjoy deepening your focus while moving with the rhythm of your breath and music.
ヴィンヤサヨガは、ヨガの一種で、動きと呼吸をつなげることで、心の状態を深めていきます。どなたでも楽しんでいただけます。BASICやLUNCH YOGAなど、星1つの強度のクラスに慣れてきたかたは、ヴィンヤサのクラスで集中をより深めていく感覚を味わいましょう。
Ashtanga Yoga

We offer Led class and Mysore class of Ashtanga Yoga.
We also have a teacher who is an “Authorized Ashtanga Yoga Teacher” who has been officially authorized to teach by Sharath Guruji, the director of SYC (Sharath Yoga Centre), the headquarters of Ashtanga Yoga, and the grandson of the founder (Sri K. Pattabhi Jois).
アシュタンガヨガの総本山であるSYC(Sharath Yoga Centre)のディレクターであり、創始者(シュリ.K.パタビジョイス氏)の孫であるシャラート・グルジから指導することを正式に許可された「アシュタンガヨガ正式指導者(オーソライズティーチャー)」の先生も在籍しています。

Basic Yoga is a perfect class for those who wants to start yoga. In the first half of the class, you will learn basic yoga poses for the foundation, and in the second half, you will move in a VINYASA style, where you move with the rhythm of your breath by connecting multiple poses seamlessly.
ベーシックヨガは、ヨガをこれから始めてみたいかたに最適のクラスです。 ヨガの土台、基本となる代表的なヨガのポーズをクラスの前半で行い、後半では、1つ1つのポーズをつなげ、呼吸に合わせて動くヴィンヤサスタイルを行なっていきます。

Yoga Nidra (also known as yogic sleep) is beneficial for everyone. Use a variety of techniques to experience states of consciousness between wakefulness and sleep. It’s important to not fall asleep and stay that way throughout the session, and one hour of yoga nidra has the same restorative effect as four hour of deep sleep. (However, it is not a replacement for sleep)
ヨガニドラ( ヨガ睡眠とも呼ばれる )は、すべての人とって有益です。さまざまなテクニックを使って、覚醒と睡眠の間の意識状態を経験します。眠りに落ちず、セッション中、その状態を維持することが重要で、1時間のヨガニドラは、4時間の深い睡眠と同じ回復効果があります。( ただし、睡眠の代替ではない )
True relaxation Stress management Charging Improved sleep Mental health (mental health) Increased awareness of your inner self Reduce body tension Chronic pain relief Increased awareness of your inner self
真のリラクゼーション ストレスマネジメント 充電, 睡眠の改善 心の健康 (メンタルヘルス) 内なる自己への意識の向上 身体の緊張を軽減 慢性的な痛みの緩和 内なる自己への意識の向上