The history of my studio in this year
2024 was the first year of New York Yoga studio. And it was also a year where I had to face my toughest loss. And that is exactly the reason why I opened my own yoga studio in Tokyo even though I never planed that in my life.
2024年は、New York Style YOGA スタジオスタートの年になりました。同時に、わたしにとって、人生でもっとも悲しい出来事、家族との別れを経験した年でした。そして、それこそがわたしが自分でも計画をしていなかった都内でのヨガスタジオ開業の理由になります。
Just before I lost my father, I started to look for the place for my yoga studio in this January by being driveled by fear and the feeling of that I have to do something in my life. If I missed that moment, I would never have opened my studio in my life.
I want to live a life as a person as my father who worked hard and end up being loved by lots of work connected people. With that belief, I decided to have a place for my yoga studio and jumped in.
Spring, summer, autumn and fall
I opend my studio in April, and then it took me about two months to prepare everything I needed such as a speaker, the sign on the window and on the street, and curtains.
4月にスタートしたスタジオは、必要なものを一通り揃えるのに、2ヶ月くらいかかったと思います。( デッキ、窓や通りのサイン、カーテンなど)
After that, about from June till September, I spent my energy and time to find good yoga teachers in Tokyo. Fortunately, now I’m working with very high-skilled Ashtanga Yoga teachers and they help me a lot to run the studio.
そのあと6月から9月ごろまでは、優秀なヨガの指導者を探すことに時間を費やしました。( 幸いにも、今、大変良い先生がたに一緒にスタジオを支えていただいています。)
During October and November, I needed to set one tangible direction which both me and another teacher want to head for. And then it feels like that I’ve finally set all studio programs that I can organize in my studio for now.
I also wrote about our 6-month record as an Ashtanga yoga studio in Japanese.
About this ceremony, Satsanga. One thing that I wanted to do before 2024 ends.
So, now I would like to have a little ceremony to officially thank you in a nice way at the end of 2024 to my very favorite people! I really hope that you could save your time for this event.
I will share my stories of such as a reason why I started my yoga studio and why it had to be in Shibuya.
And also I ask you to share your stories of why you are coming to yoga and what yoga is for you etc as your self-introduction in front of the others. ( This type of meeting is called Satsanga in yoga. )
みなさまも、なぜヨガに来てくださっているのか、ヨガって皆さんにとってどんな存在なのか、お一人お一人の自己紹介がてら、一緒に経験をシェアしていただけたらと思っています。( こういう集会のことを、ヨガでは、サットサンガといいます。)
Please let me know if you can come, so that I can prepare the light food for participants. 簡単なフードをご用意してお待ちしたいので、人数の確認のため、ご予約をお願いいたします