Class Level ★★★ / クラスレベル ★★★
This is the description about a special class led by SHUNO!
Shuno is a really AMAZING yoga teacher!

About this class / クラスについて
Her vinyasa class is like an ARTS OF YOGA FLOW where the yoga poses are connected beautifuly with minimum movements and there is no any wasteful movements. She also adds the elements of Hatha Yoga, where you hold each pose for a certain duration, so that you can build your muscle strength and gain your mobility and flexibility.
同じヨガスタジオに通っていたご縁あり We knew each other since 2019
シュノ先生とは、インド人のMukesh(ムケーシュ)先生という中目黒で10年続く大人気の「 FlowArts フローアーツ 」という老舗のヨガスタジオのメインティーチャーからヨガを一緒に教わっていたことがあり、特に話すことはないけれど、スタジオで会えば挨拶を交わす仲でした。
Me and Shuno, we learned yoga together from Mukesh , an Indian yoga teacher, who is the main teacher at a long-established yoga studio called “FlowArts “, which has been very popular in Nakameguro for 10 years. We were not friends, but we nicely exchanged greetings everytime we met at the studio.
その日のテーマによって前屈、後屈、側屈、開脚、ねじり、逆転などの様々なポーズを組み合わせて、毎回異なるシークエンスを練習していくムケシュ先生のレベルの高いクラスが大好きでスタジオ名の通り、「FLOW ARTS = フローの芸術 」だと感じていました。
I loved Mukesh’s advance classes, in his class I could practice different sequences every time, combining various poses such as forward bends, back bends, lateral bends, splits, twists, and inversions depending on the theme of the day. Exactly as the studio name expresses, I felt that his classe is really the ARTS OF YOGA FLOW.
師匠を越えたシュノのクラス Her class is now beyond over her guru’s class to me.
But, perhaps because the number of students at his studio has increased, Mukesh’s class has more basic factors. On the other hand, SHUNO’s class that I took by chance lately was EXACTLY the same level as Mukesh’s class, which I used to love a lot. I really enjoyed the artistic flow in her class sequences.
SHUNO’s class is very popular at every studio where she teaches, so she is very so busy taht she doesn’t have any time to take over extra classes. But fortunately I succeeded to set one her special class this time!
メンバーのみなさま、どうぞこの日の夜は、ぜひ先生に会いにいらしてください。 Please come join her class at this special night! She instructs mainly in Japanese, but no problems!

About SHUNO! / シュノ先生について
Shuno’s Instagram She lived in China for 10 years and is a mom of boys.

逆上がりが出来ないほどの運動嫌いの幼少時代を過ごしました。 社会人時代にヨガと出会い少しずつヨガの魅力に惹かれ、ヨガスタジオへ通い始めました。
Can you believe that she was bad at gymnastics!?
When she was a girl, she didn’t like exercise and was bad at it. When she became an adult, she experienced yoga, started to going to the yoga studios, and got into it deeply.
moved into Shanghai in China in 2007
In Shanghai, she learned yoga from multinational teachers of mainly Vinyasa Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga. Their unique teaching methods, unlike those of Japanese instructors, have had a great influence on Shuno’s own teaching methods.
In 2017, she moved base to Tokyo and have been teaching many classes at yoga studios, sports gyms, etc. mainly in Tokyo.
取得資格 ( LICENCES )
- ズッダヨガRYT200 / 創始者 ウェイロンベルディング先生から学ぶ
- フローアーツRYT300
- ケンハラクマ アシュタンガヨガ指導者養成コース 修了
- JoPhee 陰ヨガTT 130h 修了
- Zuddha yoga RYT200 by Waylon Belding
- Ashtanga Yoga Teachers’s training IYC
- JoPheeYin Yoga TT 130h